Adam Murray's Post-Match Musings

Last updated : 08 April 2006 By Thetashkentterror
Adam Murray
One-time England under-21 international Adam Murray spoke exclusively to BBC Radio Cumbria this evening as he gave his thoughts on the Grimsby victory :

"I'm not too bad at the minute, I'm talking a bit more squeaky but I'll be back to normal soon. It was a fantastic win, today was always going to be a big game and I think getting those three points today has just pushed us closer and now we've got a massive game on Tuesday.

" I think through this week that people have asked if the disappointment of Sunday was going to hang over us but for us that had gone on Monday and we were focused on this game. We're relaxed in what we are doing, we know that when we play at our best we're a good team, we're confident and as long as we keep that going we can keep winning.

" I just couldn't get enough power on my headed chance, I tried to reproduce what happened on Sunday but it didn't quite happen. To be honest with you I can't really remember my goal at the Millennium Stadium, I can just remember jumping on Kevin Gray and his sausage fingers grabbing me, so I can't really remember much else.

" At the minute it's brilliant in the dressing room. As I say, today was a massive win for us, but now that has gone and we've got to get another win on Tuesday against Rochdale. That's we have to do, the gaffer (Paul Simpson) and Dennis (Booth), they get us straight back to earth, we're back to work. We haven't won anything yet and we know that, and everybody knows that but we're all pulling in the right direction so hopefully we can achieve something this season.

" I think, like I say, we are all pulling in the right direction and people are quite willing to get hurt and work for each other, When you've got that you can get success with it and hopefully that's what we will do. "