In 2009 Carlisle Glass had 106 employees, i.e. there is a branch on an industrial estate in Kendal etc. In 2013 it had 49 employees.
There are 10 shareholders John Pattison holds 49.49%. Steven Pattison holds 18%. What the farque are the A to F shares, only 1 of each, all about? Steven and John hold 1 'A' and 1 'B' share respectively, as well as their ordinary shares.
Liabilities have gone down between 2009 and 2013 but the other figures do not look good. The accounts for year ending 30/9/2014 have not yet been filed. The company will be in a bit of trouble if those accounts are not filed by the end of this month.
If the company's net worth is £980,537 then Steven Pattison's shares are worth £176,496.66. But who knows what the true worth is? Something is worth what someone else will pay for it.
Pattison owns 25 of the 134 Carlisle United Holdings shares, which is 18.66%.
Carlisle United Holdings owns 92% of Carlisle United FC (1921) Limited.
So the Pattison percentage of Carlisle United Holdings translates into 17.16% of Carlisle United FC (1921) Limited. Would this be enough to stop a takeover from Lapping, or anyone else? It seems unlikely.